Monday, July 16, 2012

Speech Update

So really there are FIVE speech topics.

Nonglak told us today that they could go up and pick my story, my family, my school OR my health and my environment. She just thought those other three were easier so she just told us about those three, and I guess the students can choose two different times so if they go up and choose my environment they can choose again and hopefully get one of the other three...

AND it isn't on Tuesday it is on Monday. I know that is only one less day but it's not like this competition is just thrown together last minute, let's get this right guys. They showed us videos today of past winners and said make their speeches better so they can win....ya ok thanks for the encouragement.

Mel and I were both visibly tense and Nonglak pats my arm and says be calm, don't worry. 555 ok.  I explained that the girls are still trying to memorize the first one, which I incorporated all three of the subjects in just in case they wouldn't have time to memorize all three, three minute speeches.  She can have one really great speech or three ok speeches.  Her answer: three ok speeches.  Mel and I are not entirely sure if she doesn't understand or is pretending not to understand...It is going to be a long week! Meanwhile I am saying the girls speeches in my sleep! "My father is an engineer and my mother is a government officer."
Am and Nuey practicing away!

 They wrote my name in Thai!

P.S. Nonglak just came in and told Mel and I that now on August 15, 16, and 17 we would be teaching Police Officers about how to talk to farangs. I guess all you can do is laugh and plug along!

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