Saturday, September 30, 2017

Cocoa Pods!

When I was visiting one of the families in my village they were nice enough to give me some cocoa pods from their cocoa tree! One tree can have two different kinds, the yellow and orange kinds. These are all yellow pods.

I took them home, split them open and this was how the inside looked. The white part breaks apart and is actually a very sweet fruit. You sort of suck all of that off and then peel the rest until you get to the seeds in the middle. 

Here are all the peeled seeds! I then put them out in the sun to dry for a couple of days...

Until they looked more like this!

I crushed them up and then roasted them on the oven for a couple minutes until they were pretty crispy but not burned, and ta-da! Homemade cocoa nibs! One of the many benefits of living near farms!

"Without fear there can be no courage." - Christopher Paolini

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